Final Reminder - California has new laws going into effect on January 1, 2024. Makes sure to update your employee handbooks by that date.
Most important (but not all) laws to know about:
New general minimum wage of $16.00 per hour regardless of employer size
New minimum salary of $66,560 regardless of employer size
California Paid Sick Leave moves from 24 hours to 40 hours a year
New leave of absence request for an employee’s reproductive loss
Cannabis discrimination law
General industry workplace violence safety requirements and training must be in place by July 1, 2024
If you need more details, take my free online course about the changes below (click on the button).
If you need a 2024 handbook template or you only need the new laws, you can purchase them here:
Also, there is a new New Wage Theft Prevention Notice for 2024. Remember this is mandatory if you do not have this information in an offer letter and/or the employee handbook. I have attached it here in case you need it.