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TruckeeHR is excited to announce we have partnered with Traliant to offer their award-winning HR and Compliance training

Traliant offers training that satisfies the new CA Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (SB 553) requirements! Click here and search "Workplace violence" to learn more!

Creating inclusive working environments is a growing business initiative, spurring employers to provide training to their teams that helps create a respectful and inclusive workplace. Equality, social movements, shifts in work structures, mental health awareness, and increased focus on a work/life balance have emphasized the need for employers to step up, set expectations, and work toward building cultures where employees feel valued and safe. Traliant’s courses take a behavior-based approach to key topics like Harassment Prevention, Diversity, Inclusion & Sensitivity, and Workplace Violence Prevention training to help you and your team build a positive, safe, and respectful culture.

Traliant’s modern, interactive course format is designed for how workforces learn today — with bite-sized episodes, broadcast quality videos depicting real-world situations and knowledge checks to drive retention. The training is mobile optimized allowing 24/7 access on laptops, smartphones, and tablets

Now TruckeeHR is offering Traliant’s courses to our clients through an easy-to-use online platform that allows you to buy the courses you need, assign to your team, and monitor their progress. Get more information here:

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